Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (2024)

Last updated 6/13/2020 (updated Road Warrior wand to level 130)

What’s the best gear for a max level Ice Wizard (currently level 130)?We’ve seen this question many times, so we’ve provided our recommendations below, in a format to help you compare options.

We’ll take a moment to review our criteria first, since the “best” gear depends on your role and objectives.

  1. Our Criteria
  2. Gear Sets
  3. Recommendations by Gear Type
    1. Hats
    2. Robes
    3. Boots
    4. Wands
    5. Athames
    6. Amulets
    7. Rings
    8. Decks
    9. Mounts
  4. Sample Builds

Looking for the best gear for other schools?

Best Balance Gear

Best Death Gear

Best Fire Gear

Best Life Gear

Best Myth Gear

Best Storm Gear

Our Criteria

We consider the gear listed below the best for a max level Ice Wizard if you are:

  • Questing by yourself (solo)
  • Questing in a group & playing the role of a hitter, or
  • Playing PvP in an offensive or traditional role

If you are questing in a group and playing a support role (i.e., buffing the wizard that is going to hit and/or healing) or if you are playing a very defensive PvP strategy, we assume you are more interested in global resist and outgoing healing. We suggest that you check out Cody’s guide on gear with the best outgoing healing, as it includes several high-resist gear options as well.

There are three types of recommendations, depending on your focus:

  • Damage Focus
  • Critical Focus
  • Balanced

1. Damage Focus

Typically used against opponents with high block, such as bosses.

  • Primary objective is to maximize damage
  • Secondary objectives are power pips, accuracy and pierce

2. Critical Focus

Typically used against opponents with low block, such as mobs. Some PvP builds focus on high critical as well.

  • Primary objective is critical
  • Secondary objectives are damage, power pips and accuracy

3. Balanced

Typically used in PvP or against bosses that hit hard (e.g., Storm Titan anyone?):

  • Primary objective is to provide decent damage and several helpful stats, including universal resist, power pips, accuracy, pierce and important jewel sockets
  • Many balanced items contain some critical, although it’s typically not a “critical” objective (pun intended)

Gear Set Bonuses

Gear set bonuses provide stats in addition to whatever stats the gear provides, based on how many pieces of that set you’re wearing. We list relevant bonuses here so you can consider them when selecting gear for your Wizard.

  • Ice Gear Set Bonuses of Interest

Ice Gear Set Bonuses of Interest

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (7)

Dragoon’s Icy Set

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Best Ice Hats

For balanced hats, we prioritize universal resist.

  • Recommended Ice Hats
  • Other Ice Hats of Interest

Recommended Ice Hats

Reminder: Other Ice hats of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (8)

Dragoon’s Icy Helm

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (9)

Icy Paradox Conical

Drop from Astral Forest and Storm Titan Chest

Recommended Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (10)

Krokopatra Blizzard Fez

Drop from Krokopatra Exalted Duel

Recommended Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (11)

Hood of the Cold Hearted

Drop from Darkmoor Graveyard

Highest Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (12)

Drum Jungle Tribal Helm (Level 130+)

Zafaria Safari Hoard Pack

Highest Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (13)

Hood of The Arund Vale (Level 130+)

Winterland Pack

Other Ice Hats of Interest

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (14)

Vanguard’s Icy Helm

Drop from Fellspawn &King Detritusand Crafted (Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (15)

Soldier’s Icy Helm

Drop fromKing Detritus(and possibly others)

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (16)

Alphoi Defender Helm

Crafted: Recipe fromRomarinNimbus Citadel

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (17)

Ancient Druidic Cowl (Level 130+)

Druid’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (18)

Sinister Harlequin Mask (Level 130+)

Creepier Carnival Bundle

Alternative Damage (and good Critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (19)

Monarch’s Diadem (Level 130+)

Fantastic Fairytale Bundle

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (20)

Thunderous Karanahn Veil (Level 100+)

Pharaoh’s Hoard Pack

Balanced Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (21)

Valiant Jouster’s Helm (Level 120+)

Grand Tourney Gauntlet

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Best Ice Robes

For balanced robes, we prioritize universal resist.

  • Recommended Ice Robes
  • Other Ice Robes of Interest

Recommended Ice Robes

Reminder: Other Ice robes of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage, Critical & Balanced (damage & critical focus)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (22)

Frosty Light Brigade Armor

Drop fromCorporal Tenni’syn

Alternative Damage, Critical & Balanced (accuracy focus)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (23)

Armor of the Cold Hearted

Drop from Darkmoor Graveyard

Alternative Damage, Critical & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (24)

Bonesmasher Robe of Cold

Drop from Rattlebones Exalted Duel

Alternative Damage & Balanced (health, pierce & damage)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (25)

Turquoise Eagle’s Raiment (Level 130+)

Skyvern’s Hoard Pack (retired) & Spellemental Skyvern Pack

Highest Damage (and good Pierce)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (27)

Royal Fusilier’s Dress Coat (Level 130+)

Yuletide Pack

Other Ice Robes of Interest

Alternative Damage & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (28)

Darkwraith’s Shroud of Penance (Level 120+)

Nightmare Pack

Highest Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (29)

Charred Nirini Robe (Level 100+)

Pharaoh’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (30)

Glorious Avenger’s Armor (Level 100+)

Phoenix Hoard Pack

High Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (31)

Tunic of Upper Zigzag

Drop from House of Scales

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (32)

Nightfall Torment Guise (Level 120+)

Harrowing Nightmare Pack

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Best IceBoots

For balanced boots, we prioritize universal resist.

  • Recommended Ice Boots
  • Other Ice Boots of Interest

Recommended Ice Boots

Reminder: Other Ice boots of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage, Critical & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (33)

Dragoon’s Icy Boots

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Balanced (with accuracy)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (34)

Silent Knight’s Snowboots (Level 130+)

Winter Wonder Pack

Alternative Balanced (more Ice resist)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (35)

Lydia’s Frozen Footwraps (Level 130+)

Professor’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Balanced (with pips)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (36)

Greaves of the Briny Deep (Level 130+)

Undersea Enchantment Bundle

Alternative Balanced (more resist)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (37)

Abyssal Warrior’s Boots (Level 130+)

Fantastic Voyage Bundle

Highest Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (38)

Drum Jungle Tribal Boots (Level 130+)

Zafaria Safari Hoard Pack

Highest Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (39)

Sinister Harlequin Shoes (Level 130+)

Creepier Carnival Bundle

Highest Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (40)

Dragontooth Boots (Level 120+)

Nightmare Pack

Other Ice Boots of Interest

Alternative Damage, Critical & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (41)

Vanguard’s Icy Boots

Drop from Fellspawn & Prince Viggorand Crafted (Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Damage, Critical & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (42)

Soldier’s Icy Boots

Drop fromPrince Viggor(and possibly others)

Prior Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (43)

Icy Paradox Boots

Drop from Astral Forest and Storm Titan Chest

Prior Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (44)

Alpholi Defender Boots

Crafted: Recipe fromRomarinNimbus Citadel

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (45)

Cabalist Stompers of Vengeance

Drop from Secret Tunnel and other bosses in Empyrea

Alternative Balanced (with Block & Pierce)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (46)

Shoes of the Cold Hearted

Drop fromDarkmoor Graveyard

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (47)

Headbanger’s Spiked Boots (Level 100+)

Drop from Patt Minotaur

Balanced Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (48)

Marvelous Avenging Boots (Level 100+)

Phoenix Hoard Pack

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Best Ice Wands

For balanced wands, we prioritize pierce and critical.

  • Recommended Ice Wands
  • Other Ice Wands of Interest

Recommended Ice Wands

Reminder: Other Ice wands of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (49)

Crimson Pandamonium Jian (Level 130+)

Pandamonium Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage (with Critical and Pierce)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (50)

Sky Captain’s Boarding Hook (Level 130+)

Sinbad Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage (with Pierce)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (51)

Tarrak’s Focused Frostome

Crafted: Recipe fromIgnus Ferric

Alternative Damage (with Critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (52)

Dragoon’s Icy Broadsword

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Recommended Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (53)

Polarian Explorer’s Pickaxe (Level 120+)

Polarian Explorer’s Bundle

Recommended Balanced Offense

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (54)

Witch Hunter’s Arbalest (Level 120+)

Witch Hunter’s Bundle

Recommended Balanced with Block

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (55)

Road Legend Skull (Level 130+)

Road Warrior’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Balanced with Block

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (56)

Fortune Teller’s Eternal Gaze (Level 120+)

Terror’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Balanced with Block

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (57)

Aquilan Secutor Lance (Level 110+)

Immortal’s Lore Pack

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (58)

Sherlock’s Eyeglass (Level 130+)

Great Detective Bundle

Other Ice Wands of Interest

Alternative Damage (with Critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (59)

All Souls Cranium Wand (Level 120+)

Gloomthorn Nightmare Pack

Alternative Critical and Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (60)

Shard Warrior’s Hammer (Level 120+)

Jewel Crafter’s Bundle

Alternative Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (61)

Tormentor’s Bonerattler (Level 120+)

Harrowing Nightmare Pack

Highest Block

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (62)

Teeth of the Lords of Night (Level 100+)

Shaman’s Lore Pack

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Best Ice Athames

For balanced athames, we prioritize power pips and two circle slots (typically for pierce or critical jewels).

  • Recommended Ice Athames
  • Other Ice Athames of Interest

Recommended Ice Athames

Reminder: Other Ice athames of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage and Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (63)

Wolf’s Lancet of Shivers

Drop from Yevgeny Nightcreeper

Recommended Damage and Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (64)

Shadow Spider’s Sting

Drop from Morganthe

Alternative Balanced (Health and Block)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (65)

Dragoon’s Icy Dagger

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Recommended Critical (PvP Only)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (66)

Duelist’s Fatal Razor (Level 100+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Other Ice Athames of Interest

Alternative Balanced (with one less Circle Jewel slot)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (67)

Blade of the Felled Titan

Drop fromCronus

Recommended Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (68)

Hopper’s Claw of Verglas

Crafted: Recipe from Wozina the EdgeCutter

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Best Ice Amulets

For balanced amulets, we prioritize pierce, universal resist, critical and helpful item cards.

  • Recommended Ice Amulets
  • Other Ice Amulets of Interest

Recommended Ice Amulets

Reminder: Other Ice amulets of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (69)

Gem of the Grand Prophecy

Drop fromMorganthe

Recommended Critical and Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (70)

Amulet of Neverwhere

Drop from Shane von Shane in Upper Halls

Recommended Resist

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (71)

Dragoon’s Icy Charm

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Resist

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (72)

Orlov’s Icesheet Charm

Drop by Rasputin

Recommended Damage

  • 115 Health
  • 2% Ice Damage
  • 1 Balefrost and 1 Frost Giant Item Card

Torc of the Ravenous Teeth

Drop from Chest behind Skeleton Key Door in Lower Zigazag

Recommended Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (73)

Necklace of Upper Zigazag

Drop fromBellosh and Moh’Lharz

Other Ice Amulets of Interest

Alternative Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (74)

Amulet of Divine Influence

Drop by Hades the Unseen

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Best Ice Rings

For balanced rings, we prioritize power pips and a ciricle jewel slot (typically for pierce or critical jewels).

  • Recommended Ice Rings
  • Other Ice Rings of Interest

Recommended Ice Rings

Reminder: Other Ice rings of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage and Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (75)

Band of the Chilling Light

Drop from Aphrodite II

Recommended Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (76)

Dragoon’s Icy Ring

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Recommended Pierce (PvP only)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (77)

Duelist Daredevil Ring (Level 100+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Highest Damage and Critical (PvP only)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (78)

Duelist Daredevil Ring (Level 130+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Other Ice Rings of Interest

Alternative Critical & Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (79)

Vanguard’s Icy Ring

Drop from Fellspawn & the Devourerand Crafted (Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Critical & Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (80)

Soldier’s Icy Ring

Drop from theDevourer

Prior Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (81)

Icy Paradox Ring

Drop in Spiritual Forest

Alternative Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (82)

Alpha and Omega Ring

Drop byGladiator Dimachaerus

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Best Ice Decks

For balanced decks, we prioritize a triangle socket, critical, and max copies.

  • Recommended Ice Decks
  • Other Ice Decks of Interest

Recommended Ice Decks

Reminder: Other Ice decks of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (83)

Icy Paradox Deck

Drop in Astral Forest

Recommended Balanced (Size & Copies)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (84)

Luphilim’s Piercing Pack

Drop fromOmen Stribog

Alternative Balanced (Copies)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (85)

Rasputin’s Cards of Numbing

Drop from Rasputin

Highest Copies

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (86)

Terror of Carpathes Cards with Triangle Socket

Crafted: Recipe Sold by Harker

Highest Damage (Treasure Cards only)

  • Sideboard 64
  • 500 Health
  • 10% Ice Damage
  • 150 Flat Fire Resist
  • Power pip

Fire Deckathalete’s Deck 10

Crafted: Recipe Sold by Kara Runewright during Fire Deckathalon

Highest Damage (with Trained Spells)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (87)

Bumbler’s Sleetfall Pack

Drop by Bosses in Khrysalis

Highest Critical (PvP only)

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (88)

Duelist’s Devil-May-Care Deck (Level 130+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Other Ice Decks of Interest

Alternative Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (89)

Freezing Zanadu Deck

Drop by Bosses in Empyrea Part 2

Highest Pip Conversion

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (90)

Chill Kalamar Deck

Drop by Bosses in Empyrea Part 2

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Best Ice Mounts

  • Recommended Ice Mounts
  • Other Ice Mounts of Interest

Recommended Ice Mounts

Reminder: Other Ice mounts of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (91)

Ice Ghulture

Ghulture’s Hoard Pack

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (92)

Vulpine Avenger

Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (93)

Clockwork Courser

Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet

Other Ice Mounts of Interest

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (94)

Balance Ghulture

Ghulture’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (95)

Battle Havox

Battlemage Keep Bundle

Alternative Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (96)

Festive Fox

Crowns Shop (Christmas only)

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (97)

Battle Narwhal

Polarian Explorer’s Bundle

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Suggestions & Sample Builds

We provide gear suggestions for questing and PvP below. If you feel like we’ve missed an important gear piece, please let us know in the comments.

We also calculate the highest damage possible, as well as the highest damage possible with 100% critical. If you identify a way to get it higher, please share it and we’ll update the guide so it’s as accurate as possible for everyone else.

  • Gear for Questing
  • Gear for PvP
  • Highest Possible Damage
  • 100% Critical and Max Damage

Suggested Gear for Questing (PvE)

  • Hat
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Helm orIcy Paradox Conical
    • Balanced
      • Krokopatra Blizzard Fez or Hood of the Cold Hearted
  • Robe
    • Frosty Light Brigade Armor, Armor of the Cold Hearted or Bonesmasher Robe of Cold
  • Boots
    • Dragoon’s Icy Boots
  • Wand
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Sky Captain’s Boarding Hook and others
    • Critical focus
      • Polarian Explorer’s Pickaxe, Shard Warrior’s Hammer, or Tormentor’s Bonerattler
    • Damage focus
      • Crimson Padamonium Jian, Tarrak’s Focused Frostome and others
  • Athame
    • Wolf’s Lancet of Shivers or Shadow Spider’s Sting
  • Amulet
    • Gem of the Grand Prophecy (for item blades) or Amulet of Neverwhere
  • Ring
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Ring
    • Damage and Power Pip focus
      • Band of the Chilling Light
  • Deck
    • Icy Paradox Deck and others
  • Mount
    • Ice Ghulture

Suggested Gear for PvP

  • Hat
    • Health & Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Helm
    • Balanced
      • Krokopatra Blizzard Fez or Hood of the Cold Hearted
  • Robe
    • Health & Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Armor
    • Balanced
      • Turquoise Eagle’s Raiment, Frosty Light Brigade Armor, Armor of the Cold Hearted or Bonesmasher Robe of Cold
  • Boots
    • Dragoon’s Icy Boots
  • Wand
    • Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Broadsword
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Sky Captain’s Boarding Hook and others
  • Athame
    • Health and Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Dagger
    • Balanced
      • Wolf’s Lancet of Shivers or Shadow Spider’s Sting
  • Amulet
    • Health and Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Charm
    • Balanced
      • Amulet of Neverwhere
  • Ring
    • Critical and Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Icy Ring
    • Pierce
      • Duelist’s Daredevil Ring (Level 100+)
  • Deck
    • Icy Paradox Deck (for stats), Luphilum’s Piercing Pack (for max copies) and others
  • Mount
    • Damage
      • Ice Ghulture
    • Pierce
      • Vulpine Avenger or Clockwork Courser

Highest Possible Damage

Note: Excludes Fire Deckathlete’s Decks, which can add up to 10% Ice Damage if you’re only using Treasure Cards.

170% Ice Damage:

  • Hat: Hood of The Arund Vale (11% Ice Damage, 15% Universal Damage) or Drum Jungle Tribal Helm
  • Robe: Royal Fusilier’s Dress Coat (26% Universal Damage)
  • Boots: Sinister Harlequin Shoes (31% Universal Damage) or Drum Jungle Tribal Boots
  • Wand: Crimson Pandamonium Jian (20% Universal Damage)
  • Athame: Shadow Spider’s Sting (17% Ice Damage)
  • Amulet: Necklace of Upper Zigazag (2% Ice Damage)
  • Ring: Band of the Chilling Light (12% Universal Damage)
  • Deck: Bumbler’s Sleetfall Pack (1% Ice Damage)
  • Mount: Ice Ghulture (3% Ice Damage)
  • Pet (max stats): With Ice-Dealer, Ice-Giver, Ice-Boon, Pain-Giver, Pain Bringer, Mighty Jewel (21% Ice Damage; 11% Universal Damage)
  • Gear Set Bonus: None

100% Critical and Max Damage

Note: Excludes Fire Deckathlete’s Decks (if you’re only using Treasure Cards, higher damage may be possible with it).

841 Ice Critical (100%) and 143% Ice Damage:

  • Hat: Dragoon’s Icy Helm (152 Ice Critical; 24% Ice Damage)
  • Robe: Charred Nirini Robe (120 Universal Critical; 15% Universal Damage)
  • Boots: Dragoon’s Icy Boots (126 Ice Critical; 30% Ice Damage)
  • Wand: Sky Captain’s Boarding Hook (115 Universal Critical; 19% Universal Damage)
  • Athame: Shadow Spider’s Sting with 2 Sparkling Ice Critical Jewels (36 Ice Critical; 17% Ice Damage)
  • Amulet: Amulet of Neverwhere (35 Universal Critical)
  • Ring: Dragoon’s Icy Ring with 1 Sparkling Ice Critical Jewel (119 Ice Critical; 10% Ice Damage)
  • Deck: Icy Paradox Deck (49 Ice Critical)
  • Mount: Ice Ghulture (3% Ice Damage)
  • Pet (max stats): With Ice-Dealer, Ice-Giver, Pain-Giver, Ice Assailant, Ice Striker, Critical Striker (58 Ice Critical; 31 Universal Critical; 16% Ice Damage, 6% Universal Damage)
  • Gear Set Bonus: 3 pieces of Dragoon’s Icy Set (3% Ice Damage)

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Any alternative perspectives? Let us know in the comments!

Do you have screen shots for any of the gear we are missing? Please email finalbastion@gmail.com. Thank you!

  • Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (98)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (99)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (100)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (101)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (102)

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Wizard101 Best Max Ice Gear - Final Bastion (2024)


What is the max ice in Wizard101? ›

Max ice stats (170) from an ice main.

What level do you get ice blade in Wizard101? ›

tell your little bro to keep leveling up and at 38 he will get the quest for ice blade. hope this helped.

Is Ice worth it in Wizard101? ›

Ice is overpowered because of it's high health PLUS resist. It has more universal resist and health than any other school. Their spells aren't really as weak as people like to say. It's the health and being able to resist all and being immune to multiple schools at once that makes them overpowered.

Why ice is the best school Wizard101? ›

Ice is meant to last a long time in battle; your health is higher than any other school. Storm fizzles the most, has the least health which is why they have the 'bonus' of spells that do higher damage. You need to learn how to play each school. Each one is different.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Views: 5521

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.