How Much is 80,000 Pennies in Dollars? (Simple Math) (2024)

How Much is 80,000 Pennies in Dollars? (Simple Math) (1)

This question likely conjures up visions of giant jars of bronze-colored pennies sitting in a dusty corner of a bedroom or living room.

Or maybe you’ve seen the story of the man who paid his last child support payment in pennies dumped onto the street in front of his ex-wife’s home. It’s certainly true that 80,000 pennies make for quite a few images of Abraham Lincoln’s face rolling around.

Have you ever wondered about the value of 80,000 pennies? The answer is quite simple; it’s $800. The math behind it is pretty straightforward, as per the coinage act of 1792, the value of the penny is set at “the value of the one-hundredth part of a dollar.”

How Much is 80,000 Pennies in Dollars?

The penny has an illustrious history in the United States since its inception as the first currency authorized by the Mint Act of 1792. President Abraham Lincoln’s backward image was placed on the penny commemorating his 100th birthday in 1909. Before that there was the Fugio Copper Cent, the Flowing Hair Cent, the Liberty Cap Cent, Draped Bust Cent, Classic Head Cent, Coronet Head Cent, and Indian Head Cent

Regardless of which type of penny we’re discussing here, how much is 80,000 pennies in dollars? For all those who are a quick study in math and zeroes, this question contains an easy answer. 80,000 pennies will exchange for exactly $800, be it in 800 singles, 160 five-dollar bills, 80 ten-dollar bills, 40 twenty-dollar bills, 16 fifties, or 8 hundred-dollar bills.

How Much Does 80,000 Pennies Weigh?

This depends on what kind of pennies are being put on the scale. Modern-day pennies are made of zinc that has a copper plating. And they’re much smaller than the first penny, which was nearly as big as a half-dollar and made of real copper. In March 1793 the Mint produced $111.78 worth of large pennies, 11,178 copper cents.

Related Financial Geek Article: What is American Money Made Of | A Complete Guide

If the old large penny was used for our example, it would weigh more than 80,000 modern U.S. quarters, about 1,000 pounds. But looking at our modern penny tells a much different story. Start with a single modern penny’s weight: 0.088 ounces or 2.5 grams. 80,000 pennies would clock in at 7,040 ounces, which breaks down to 440 pounds, less than half of those old pennies from 1793!

Are you confused yet?!

As a side note, bear in mind that a rare penny that is in great or mint condition could be worth much more than one cent. In fact, these types of pennies can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Where To Store 80,000 Pennies?

The more relevant question is “Why would you want to store 80,000 pennies!” How much room would 80,000 pennies take up? The introduction to this post mentioned a story about a man who paid his last child support payment of (you guessed it) $800 in the form of 80,000 pennies.

This father was not happy about 18 years of child support payments, so when the last one was due, he loaded up a landscaping trailer with 80,000 pennies and dumped them on the lawn in front of the house.

There were so many pennies that the mother and daughter duo had to use a snow shovel to pick the pennies up off the lawn. But interestingly enough, Mom and Daughter used the opportunity to do some good and donated the $800 in pennies to a domestic abuse shelter.

A roll of pennies (red wrapper) is only $0.50. 80,000 pennies would mean you’d need to make 160,000 rolls of pennies! But that may not be the best way to store them. Laying them end-to-end and on top of each other, a cubic foot would hold 50,000 pennies.

80,000 pennies would take up just less than two cubic feet of space, which really isn’t all that much compared to the space it may take to roll them all. But . . . the next question signals the need to roll 80,000 pennies.

Where Do You Cash in 80,000 Pennies?

How Much is 80,000 Pennies in Dollars? (Simple Math) (3)

Prior to the pandemic, you might not have expected a warm welcome if you walked into a bank lobby with nearly 2 cubic feet of pennies. But in these days of coin shortages banks, convenience stores, and grocery stores welcome coins. Some machines allow you to pour the coins in and for a fee give you cash or vouchers if the machine is in a store.

Related Financial Geek Article: 5 Places You Can Cash in Canadian Pennies

As long as it may take to collect 80,000 pennies it would probably not take long at all to process them through a bank or machine and exchange them for dollars. And due to the coin shortage, you may even be able to find a bank that will take your coins and exchange them without charging you a fee.

A Look at 80,000 Pennies

That’s how 80,000 pennies break down in terms of value and exchange. For collectors 80,000 pennies may be a gold mine to search for rare coins. But for most folks 80,000 pennies is much less effective than $800 in cold, hard cash.

Thanks for reading!

Geek, out.

How Much is 80,000 Pennies in Dollars? (Simple Math) (2024)


How Much is 80,000 Pennies in Dollars? (Simple Math)? ›

Cent means “hundredth” so there are 100 cents in a dollar (or other currency). Using dimensional analysis: 80,000 cents * 1 dollar/100 cent = 800 dollars.

How much weight is 80,000 pennies? ›

According to the Royal Mint, the current penny weighs 3.56 g. That means that 80,000 of them would weigh 284,800 g. or 284.8 kg.

How much is 90k pennies in dollars? ›

90,000/100=900. therefore 900 dollars is 90,000 pennies.

How much is 100,000 pennies worth in dollars? ›

100,000 pennies is equivalent to 1,000 dollars. To convert 100,000 pennies to dollars, divide the number by 100. It's interesting to note that if you were to weigh 100,000 pennies, it would amount to approximately 250 kilograms.

How much is 80,000 pennies? ›

Therefore, 80,000 pennies is equivalent to $800.

How big is $1 million in $100 bills? ›

A $10,000 stack of $100 bills would measure about one-half an inch thick. A pile of $100 bills totaling $1 million dollars would fit inside a standard school backpack, while $100 million would fit on a standard construction pallet. And $1 billion of $100 bills would be 10 standard construction pallets.

Does 10 000 pennies equal $100? ›

100 dollars equals 10000 pennies, once 100 dollars times 100 equals 10000.

How much is 91 000 pennies worth? ›

Coinstar®, known for its network of coin-counting kiosks, stepped in to help Flaten by picking up the oily, dirty pennies at his home and in return gave him $1,000 in cash.

How much is 100000000 pennies in dollars? ›

Answer and Explanation:

There are 100,000,000 pennies in one million dollars. To find the number of pennies in a million dollars, think first about the number of pennies in one dollar. There are 100 pennies in one dollar.

How many dollars is 800000 pennies worth? ›

You don't have to be too much of a math expert to know that 800,000 pennies equals $8,000, but one family who discovered that many pennies is selling them for $25,000, over three times what they are worth.

How much is 1 million pennies? ›

A million pennies equal $10,000. There are 100 pennies, or cents, in each US dollar. To find out how many dollars you could make with 1 million pennies, divide 1 million (the number of pennies you have) by 100 (the number of pennies in one dollar). One million pennies equals 10,000, or ten thousand, dollars.

How much is 1 billion cents in dollars? ›

One billion pennies is equal to 10 million dollars. To convert pennies to dollars, we can divide the number of pennies by 100, since there are 100 pennies in a dollar. So, 1 billion pennies / 100 = 10 million dollars. Therefore, one billion pennies is worth 10 million dollars.

What does a trillion pennies look like? ›

One trillion pennies would create a mind boggling cube with edges nearly as long as a football field.

How much money is 1 quadrillion pennies? ›

y=$10,000,000,000,000 (10 trillion dollars) PREMISES y=1 quadrillion pennies in U.S. dollars ASSUMPTIONS Let 1 quadrillion=10^15 Let 1 U.S. dollar=100 pennies CALCULATIONS y=1 quadrillion pennies in U.S. dollars y=10^15/100 (in U.S. dollars) y=10^15/10^2 y=10^(15-2) y= 10^13 U.S. dollars=$10,000,000,000,000 (10…

How tall would a stack of 1 billion pennies be? ›

A penny is about 1/16 or . 0625 of an inch thick. So one billion pennies stacked is about 61.6 miles high.

How much do 100,000 pennies weigh? ›

There are 100 pennies in a dollar so that's 1000*100 = 100,000 pennies. One US penny weighs 2.5g. 2.5g * 100,000 =250,000g or 250 kg.

How many pennies weigh 100 pounds? ›

“ According to a quick Google search - New, unused or uncirculated copper cents weigh about 3.11 grams each or about 145 copper pennies per pound.” There are about 145 copper pennies per pound, so 100 lb of pennies would be 14,500 pennies or $145.

How much does 50000 pennies weigh? ›

50,000 pennies is equivalent 500$. 50,000 pennies weight 2.5 * 50,000g = 125,000grams = 125kg.

How much does a 1 lb bag of pennies weigh? ›

A pound of pennies weighs the same as a pound of hundred dollar bills, nickels, dimes, quarters, etc: 16 ounces. About 147 zinc (and a little copper) pennies make up that one pound. Each penny weighs 3.11 grams. So a pound of pennies weighs 457.17 grams.

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